
Wednesday, October 29, 2008


No Idea what is going on here, I have never done a blog before and intentionally never really planned to do one either. I suppose because i've never been a good writer unless it comes down to researching topics for classes and even then i despise the thought of a written assignment. So why did I decide to do one? Well besides the fact that a written class assignment was handed out about 3 weeks ago, the guidelines were to construct an assignment free of rules or restrictions. This completely threw me off from anything I have done within the academic establishment . I mean, I am doing the complete reversal of what I have been taught for 5 years, basically to write anything I want to write, in any way I want to write it (in 1000 words or less). I thought about maybe writing a journal and attempting some 'free writing'. I have been doing a lot of reading that was produced in modern Paris (e.g. Walter Bejamin, Emile Zola, Louis Aragon), and thought maybe imagining myself as flaneur in the contemporary city might release some surrealist ideas that I could integrate into my work (It may be of importance to mention that I am in my final year of undergrad majoring in Fine Arts). But instead I thought to keep with the post post modern times and create an online blog that records my ideas and inspirations, while being influenced and inspired by others alike. I am hoping that this will eventually benefit my work if I decide to keep with it. 

...So far so good. 
